Friday, 9 June 2017

Help make cards for charities

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About this time last year we were spending a fun morning making 70 cards with one of the Paper Angels, Zena Kennedy for Nth Qld Rural Family services.
Zena is the recipient of our Inaugural Woman of the Year award. She is always holding card making sessions to stock up on her various charities that she is involved in. Zena is always in need of many hands to help her make these lovely cards, so if you would like to have a creative morning or afternoon she can be contacted by emailing

No experience in card making is required as she will lead you step by step. Just ask our President Liane, she had never created a single card and it wasn't long before she was pushing them out.

Jade, Liane, Michelle, Janette making cards for charities

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Delivery of goods to Aged Care Facility at Nth Stradbroke

On Tuesday, Janette and Lyn, on behalf of Quota Carindale, boarded the 7:00 am Big Red Cat heading for North Stradbroke Island.  Here we were to deliver donated aged care goods and a special chair to the Nareeba Moopi Moopi Pa Aged and Frail Hostel at Dunwich.

As the big Red Cat arrived way in advance of the appointment time for the drop off of the donated goods, breakfast at Point Lookout was on the agenda.  Arriving at Point Lookout it was seen that the ocean wasn’t happy.  Rough seas were breaking across the rocks and the surf beach was far from tempting for a quick dip.  Heading for the CafĂ©, a seat with a great view allowed for a most enjoyable breakfast.  After breakfast it was back to Dunwich to deliver the goods to Nareeba Moopi Moopi Pa.

North Stradbroke Island view from the Gorge walk on a better day

On arrival, Nareeba Moopi Moopi Pa exudes a calmness and peace.  On entering the building with the donated goodies, a staff member sought out the Care Manager who welcomed Janette and Lyn.  She greatly appreciated the donation of the aged care goods and was very grateful to receive the chair.  This chair is one that is used at the dinner table and doesn’t move as the person sits in it even though it is on wheels. Once seated, the occupant can move it by walking their feet towards the table until the ideal position is reached.  To get up from the table, the occupant walks the chair backwards until well clear of the table and then pushes down on the arms of the chair to lift themselves out of it - a very, very useful chair.

After farewelling the Care Manager, the next port of call was North Stradbroke Island State School.  Quota Carindale had previously supported this school’s chaplaincy service and as the school was in the process of appointing a new chaplain, Quota Carindale contact details were left with the school administration with a request that once appointed the chaplain contact Quota Carindale.

Once the business with the school was completed, it was time for a little R & R before boarding the Big Red Cat for the return journey.  Brown Lake was the chosen venue.  A beautiful spot to relax and absorb the peace emanating from the Lake and its surrounds.  A picture is worth more than words and here is a photo of Brown Lake, such a tranquil place to relax.

Brown lake tranquil resting spot on Nth Stradbroke Island

Monday, 29 May 2017

Trivia night winners

Some of the winners of the raffle prizes at the last Trivia Night.

Thank you to all the supporters of this function to raise funds for The Sycamore School at Alexander Hills.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Our Guests at Change Over

At the Change over function we welcomed the Chaplains from Dunwich State School, Whites Hill State College and Carina State School.
SU Qld chaplains, or 'chappies', provide spiritual and emotional support to school communities. Helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown and loneliness, to drug abuse, depression and anxiety.  The 'Chappies' provide a listening ear and a caring presence for children and young people in crisis, and those who just need a friend.  Support is also provided to staff and parents in school communities.

Steve Minnikin MP also attended our gathering as he does each year and it was wonderful to hear how he feels about our work and it makes us feel very proud of what we do, thank you for your support over the years Steve.

Chaplains from Carina SS Dunwich SS Whites Hill State College receiving their cheques in support of their work and Steve Minniken Mp speaking to our group

Inaugural Woman of the Year

We have over the years seen other organisations and also other Quota Clubs present an award for community service. This year we have decided to have our first Woman of the Year Award. Each year we will be selecting a member of the community for their outstanding services to the community.

This year our inaugural year we have chosen to give this award to Zena Kennedy. Over the past few years Zena has given her time to Quota at their yearly Craft and Gift Fairs. She volunteers her time teaching cards for Bluecare and at Ronald McDonald House in Herston. She organises charity events to raise funds for many charities. Her cards have been packed and sent over Queensland and as far as Myanmar in Burma. A lady that loves what she does and is always ready to help.

Janette presented Zena with the award, along with a bottle of bubbly and a bunch of roses. Thank you for your support over the years and for all you do for others.

Janette Taylor and Zena Kennedy Quota Carindale

Friday, 26 May 2017

Mummy's Wish


 Today at our Change Over, the guest speaker was Bernadette Vella founder of Mummy's Wish.
Bernadette spoke to us about her journey and what led to this amazing organisation being born.
The Mission and Vision of Mummy's wish is to support Australian families with children aged 12 years and under through the provision of practical, immediate and non-means tested support whilst Mum is receiving treatment for cancer. To manage the distressing impact of cancer on Mums and their family unit.
Did you know, every day around Australia 13 other families, just like the founder of Mummy's Wish have their lives turned upside down when they find out Mum has cancer. Mummy's wish have touched over 2000 families since 2007 and expect that number to increase by the end of 2017.

Quota Carindale will be holding a fundraising event later in 2017 for support of Mummy's Wish.

Guest Speaker Mummys Wish founder Bernadette Vella spoke about starting this organisation

Care Bears for the QAS

During our Change over each year we invite the QAS Officers to come along and celebrate with us and at this time we give them a huge bundle of Care Bears.  This is the twentieth year that Quota has supported the various QAS Stations. It was wonderful to welcome Jamie from QAS Carina and Mick from QAS Mt Gravatt to the event to receive this years bundle of bears.

QAS receiving care bears from Quota International of Carindale