Monday, 29 April 2013

“Listen Up, Turn It Down”

“Listen Up, Turn It Down” is a Public Awareness Campaign that Quota is promoting. Download the flyer below and read how Quota is helping to Change Lives.

Listen Up, Turn It Down campaign flyers to promote hearing health!

PDF Version
For home, office, or business center printers. Two printing sizes are offered:
South Pacific Countries* (11.75” x 8.25” / 21 cm x 29.7 cm)
EPS Version
For use by professional printers. Two printing sizes are offered. (These files are large, compressed files and should be saved to your hard drive or other media):
North America and other non-South Pacific Countries (8.5” x 11”; 1/8 inch bleed)
South Pacific Countries (11.75” x 8.25” / 21 cm x 29.7 cm; .5 cm bleed)
* To view or print out these publications, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader which is free to download from Adobe's Web site.

Quota coffee club

Come along, have a coffee or two, first cup compliments of Quota, and enjoy a chat about our community projects with the friendly and enthusiastic Quotarians at their table.

Where: The Fig Tree Deli
Shop 11, Samuel Village
17 Samuel Street, Camp Hill

When: 3rd Saturday of the month, starting from 18May
Time: 10am - 11.30am

These are the future dates you will find us at the Fig Tree Deli
18 May
15 June
20 July
17 August
21 September
19 October
16 November